Spring Cleaning Shadow Work

OK this blog post is going to be short and sweet (this is the first thing I write and knowing me, it might not end up being short but LET’S SEE) because the good stuff is in the shadow work and tarot spread handout (grab that at the end)!

First, and foremost, if shadow work is a new concept to you, or if you haven’t read my supportive approach to it, please grab this free Me and My Shadow workbook.

Shadow work has become super duper popular over the last couple of years, and a lot of folks are curious about what it is. Here’s my quick take: shadow work is consciously taking a look at the dark shit within your psyche (i.e. your shadow, as coined by Carl Jung), finding compassion for yourself within that murky area, and incorporating radical self acceptance so that you are embracing, instead of denying that stuff.

It will allow you to more fully be yourself. Which is the crux of what I do - ubu skills. “you be you” skills.

Again, there are many many approaches. I like Debbie Ford’s work on shadow quite a bit, and a lot of coaches (myself included) incorporate the concept into their work.

For me, as a speaking coach, it helps clients actually identify their fears, and be able to move through them (instead of hiding from them), so that they no longer control their actions through the subconscious. It’s powerful work, and it’s stuff I was doing myself before I started to use it with clients.

As a tool, it’s now become just as important as the actual speaking training that I teach. (Speaking of, do you have my free public speaking guide? Grab it here.)

I’ve written quite a few blog posts about shadow already, so if you’re new around here, binge away!

Clean Your House, Clean Your Mind

If you’re like me, Spring and Fall give you the kind of energy you need to clean and organize your house. Some people are good at that on the regular, and I am not one of them. So I use the magic of the season to get caught up on the piles that have accumulated over the winter.

And it clears my head in ways that nothing else can.

And guess what? You can apply this “spring cleaning” metaphor internally, and take a look at the stuff that’s accumulated over the winter that needs airing out.

It’s the perfect thing to do ahead of the full moon on Saturday April 16 (2:55pm EDT) to help make space for joy, expansion and new things.

Without further ado, please grab the worksheet with shadow work questions and 3 tarot card spreads here.


Let me know in the comments: what was the most illuminating question for you from the worksheet?


And if you want to start building your toolbox so that you can learn how to incorporate shadow work into your skill building work, check out my Big Voices Masterclass. It’s a 4 week speaking, visibility and confidence course running in May, 2022.

Apply today to join this incredible group!


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Speaking as Liberation


Why I Hate “Persuasion”