
 “Megan is a superb coach and one of the main reasons I advise students and clients alike on recognizing how they hold themselves when interviewing. Her approach to visibility and confidence is authentic and refreshing; She breaks down how we create internal barriers to fully knowing ourselves and revealing ourselves in our careers and speaking engagements. Megan doesn't want us to "Fake It 'til You Make It," but gives us the skills we need to practice until it's only "Make It" - in our own perfectly imperfect way.”

- Sammie Walker Herrera, Career Coach

 “Megan Hamilton was very helpful to me as I prepared for my TEDx Queen's U talk. She gave excellent advice about how to deliver the talk effectively, to pause in the right places, and to set the right tone. I’m grateful for her guidance.”

- Jane Philpott, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen's University

"Pitching for a competition or preparing for a speech is much more than words on a piece of paper. Megan was able to help with the subtle but important and effective tools such as tone, nuances and posture that added a finished and polished product to my delivery. These are tools that I will take with me moving forward and I appreciated the time Megan spent going over those details with me.”

- Aba Mortley, Winner, Rise Up Pitch Competition; Owner, Cher-Mère Canada

 "As a professor and parent, I need to speak frequently and to be heard, but have always struggled with vocal strain and losing my voice every few months. I reached out to Megan for vocal coaching, but found so much more.

Megan worked with me through the basics of breath work, warming up, and optimal pitch, all of which have already left me with much less vocal strain whether I am delivering a lecture or reading another chapter to my kids at bedtime.

Importantly, Megan also brought into sharp relief that how I carry myself - my physical stance when speaking and the space I take up - shapes how confidently I project my words and the impact I can have. I quite literally feel differently speaking since investing in this workshop and in myself."

- Jacoba Lilius, Associate Professor, Employment Relations Programs, Queen's University

 “Megan is a highly engaging presenter who connects with her audience in a meaningful way. Attendees enjoyed learning about how to apply the Alexander Technique, the importance of controlled breathing, how to speak using optimum pitch and how to use text mapping to communicate with an audience. Participants also had the chance to present and received a personal critique from Megan. A valuable learning opportunity for all!”

Kerry Ramsay, Project Manager, WE-CAN Project at Queen’s University

 “I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Megan Hamilton. She offered extremely helpful practical tips, keen insights, and friendly, supportive encouragement that made it possible for me to deliver a speech with more poise, confidence, and passion than I’ve ever been able to before. She is a true pleasure to work with, and anyone would be lucky to have her in their corner.”

- Dan Norland, Author and TEDx Speaker

 “Thank you for all you have taught me these last few sessions. There is so much to learn, but I feel like I’m on such a great path. You have so much expertise to offer, with so many practical techniques to help take my public speaking and presentation skills to the next level. You are truly an amazing coach!”

Nicole, Executive Director in a Finance/Admin role

 “Megan delivered a workshop as part of our 8-week business bootcamp for entrepreneurs. Participants were very positive and thought she gave them some great tools and tips to use going forward. There was definitely a lot of value in the session!”

Garrett Elliott, General Manager, Launch Lab

 “I had the pleasure of working with Megan during a workplace professional development opportunity. From the moment the session started with Megan, I felt at ease and ready to experiment and try new things with my voice and presentation skills. The skills I learned in Megan’s session have already been helpful in my professional role. Thank you so much for a fantastic session.”

- Erin Clow, Education and Communications Advisor

 “Megan is professional, thoughtful, patient and very supportive. She also gave me lots of tips on how to handle anxiety as it relates to public speaking. I've been able to use those tips in other aspects of my life.”

- Diana Gore, Brand Coordinator

 Megan’s advice helped me to ROCK a recent presentation! I am so grateful that she has shared the basics of finding and sharing my voice - with easy to practice techniques and a positive mindset. I speak all the time at work, and now I have a handy, small toolkit to rely on before each presentation, giving me confidence and the ability to actually focus on the questions I am asked and the relationships I am building with people instead of fumbling over the things I want to say. Phew! Megan’s clear, calm and positive advice is good for speakers of all ages and stages. Get her free guide!

- Jen Ross, Queen's University

 “I often get anxious when speaking to larger groups of people and have been trying to improve upon this for quite some time without success. [Megan’s] specific strategies, techniques and exercises all helped me to feel less anxious when presenting in front of a crowd. In fact what I learned for achieving my specific professional development goal for work also helped me with other areas of my life, such as conflict management (personal and professional).”

- Sandra, Occupational Therapist

 “This was such a valuable experience for all of the students involved. Megan was so knowledgeable about the material and delivered it in a very calming and interactive way. She is passionate about public speaking and is effective at delivering the material in a practical way that people will be able to utilise after the workshop. One student from the workshop commented on her work with Megan in her final assignment of the course ‘When Megan Hamilton came in I believe that I grew as an individual because I received constructive feedback from her and I was able to improve on the skills that I had been struggling with’.”

- Leanne Devlin, High School Teacher

 I learned so much in my session with Megan. There are tools and practices that I’ve come back to over and over to help me get centred before I do any public speaking. I was also so thankful for the ways she made me feel so comfortable in the session, being so present and bringing such great energy to it. Megan’s the best!

Christine Bougie, Musician

 "Megan’s energy and confidence was contagious.  She made me feel comfortable the moment we started the workshop.  She is very knowledgeable, kind and offered terrific tips and advice.  She truly wants to see you succeed.  Her recommendations are spot on and valuable and I will certainly apply them.  I highly recommend Megan whether it be for a presentation in your professional life to giving a speech in your personal life."

- Natalie Moniz-Henne, Yoga Instructor

 I really enjoyed my session with Megan. I particularly liked how she started things off with a vocal exercise to loosen things up (and remind me to not take myself so seriously). I also feel that I gained insight into certain vocal habits I lean on, of which I was not previously aware. I know I’ll be reviewing my feedback form often as I prepare for my next presentation, and practice my power stance!

- Alicia Freeborn, speaker at Worldcon 75

 “I find that students experience anxiety, nervousness, have trouble making eye contact and tend to read their presentations from screens or devices. They no longer take the time to engage and interact with their audience. Megan’s approach to narrowing these gaps was brilliant. Following a series of activities which engaged both mind and body, Megan was able to reach all students even those reluctant to participate actively. She was engaging and provided tons of on the spot feedback, highlighting students’ strengths and providing them with opportunity for growth.”

- Erin McDonald, High School Teacher

 "Megan’s public speaking session is worthwhile and very well presented.  Megan is a testament herself to the skills and techniques she suggests and obviously adopts herself.  Her enthusiasm for the subject is apparent in both her strong, engaging delivery and the strategies and stories she shared with our group."

- Nancy Leake, Retired Registration & Records Assistant